Forums Music If u could go back & do it all over, what would u do differently?

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      …… for instance, I would have went to college straight out of high school instead of taking a job….. I would have spent the money I saved for DJ equipment on college instead (here in US its different, we get out of school later- age 18-)…….. I would never have moved to Myrtle beach… everyone here is so unfriendly… ya know how sometimes this board goes for days w/out anyone saying anything? well, thats MY LIFE. yea, I have been living here for 2 yrs & NO ONE has asked me to go shopping, talk politics, or even asked me out for a cup of coffee!!….. My boyfriend (who I met @ record shop b/c I was buying wax & he owns the place)wants to move as well….. Im done ranting for now. Hopefully this will start some sort f discussion- god knows I could use some mind stimulation right about now!!


        If i could do it all again…….i’d carry on the party and not get ‘settled down’


          Of course there are choices we’d all make differently. For one, I’d party less often. When you’re young you go like theres no tommorow, while you’ve got all the time in the world. To my mind though it’s not about the choices we make along the way which are mostly down to chance and guess work anyway, but how we live with the consequences of our actions. You could let yourself be controlled by events or take control and see the benefits of your situation. There’s always a positive element to be found, no matter how bad things are.


            I’m with you on that one Klark,i’ve done some REALLY stupid thing’s in my time(and i dare say there will be a few more)but there is a positve side to any situation,although that solution usually doesn’t become obvious until later-hindsight huh?


              “If I had all the money I’d spent on drink, I’d spend it all on drink!”
              -Sir Henry Of Rawlinson End


                I would have tried to get myself sorted earlier.

                Although I am really hapy with my life now, and everything that happened needed to to get me here, Prehaps all the times I was blacked out on drugs/drink I would have stopped and saved a bit of l9iver damage [Messy]

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              Forums Music If u could go back & do it all over, what would u do differently?