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    I’ve seen LOADS of near perpetual motion devises … none of which are 100% efficient ofc.

    Now we are talking about E=MC2 here not anything tezzla came up with …

    Ironstine (lol at my spelling of his name – I really have no idea how to spell it and CBA to google it atm) even said that HE knew some of his stuff wasn’t totaly correct … and this has later been proved. Yet scientists who work out one thing that overthrows his laws of phisics go mental like ” I’VE JUST POSSABLY PROVED IRONMAN WRONG!” …

    For example … recently a particle was smashed to fuck in the large hydron colider and in a place miles away they picked up what are called neutrinos (and I don’t mean half the shitty garage music producer team) ariving faster then the speed of light, what acording to the law of physics is .. IMPOSSABLE …

    Now there’s loads of shit going on about checking to make sure they havn’t made mistakes in the test … I don’t belive they have .. I belive .. the iron man was right and yeah there were slight errors in his data .. as with ANY “pure science” it’s evolving …. as soon as a scientist get’s TOO caught up in his own idea .. or a past one .. it, IMO becomes a false religeon (or false “WAY OF LIFE” which is what religeon actualy means).

    I’m not a scientist … nor do I know everything about this subject … I think I have an idea why scientists can’t belive it and why it’s right tho.

    Correct me if i’m wrong …

    The idea is that light is the universal speed limit. Nothing can travel faster. As speed increases time slows. the faster you excelerate the bigger the mass. At the point of light speed any object will have infinate mass rendering it impossable to go faster (due to the fact infinate mass cannot excellerate? E=mc2 right?).

    … So the theory goes.

    Now … I ask my self, if excelerating at THE SPEED OF LIGHT anything has infinate mass, then how the fuck does it travel at the speed of light in the first place!

    I’m guessing it stops at the speed of light there for decises to excelerate.

    I’m not 100% sure of the equasion .. but this means light travels on the boarder of infinate mass. There for light has the most mass out of everything.

    Now I’m gonna talk about wave lenths ( I literaly looked at google for 2 seconds then to check that it does effect the speed of light .. and aparently it does) … we have a spectrum .. red blue green etc. … these are all diferant components of light travling at slightly diferant speeds so there for light has several diferant masses depending on it’s frequency! (yes no? .. that’s the bit i’m least sure about .. but still my theory holds with out it for other reason’s I’ll get into later).

    The only explination thus far apart from that they made mistakes in there test is that (well there’s another to do with string theory .. but again I’ll get into that later) it that neutrinos are fired out allready at speed and do not excelerate past the speed of light … they allready are traveling that fast … there for fitting in with the therory of special relativity (think tht’s the right one).

    the string theory one talks about skipping into other dimentions where time is working at a diferant rate what is actualy also possable .. but string theory is .. well stringy to say the least and there’s umpteen diferant theories with x-amount of somethings here and there etc. xy over z that differ from each other ….

    Now as simple as it sounds, my idea is that the speed of light IS NOT a speed limet … and for some reasons scientists will not belive it. The speed of light WAS the fastest thing know to man, up untill neutrinos were checked for there speed. Now they are. The man HIMSELF said that he was trying to find a universal theory of everything … but couldn’t match it up … why the fuck does everyone think he allready found the UNIVERSAL theory? he openly admits he wasn’t 100% right. People need to stop forcing his equasions into things where they don’t fit and evolve the “math” to understand the world around us … rather then trying to force the world to “fit the math”.

    *rant over … (I actualy had alot more to say and propper solved the problem the other night in a flash of insparation … a eureaka momen if you like … but i fucking forgot exactly what my idea was … I’ll be sure to update if i remeber the exactness of what I thought) ….