Forums The Vibe Chat CRB Re: CRB

General Lighting

    @caned_monkey 432311 wrote:

    Criminla records are for life and will be held against you for the rest of your life. Sad but true im afraid. i think the lesson here is to avoid applying for jobs that require a crb check, youre never going to get the job over someone with a clean record.

    the first bit is completely true and a lot of folk who should know better refuse to believe it out of false optimism –

    but the second depends a lot on the time elapsed, the nature of the employer and the type of crime involved. I have a criminal record for drugs and my job is in a senior management position and requires full enhanced CRB – it also brings me into places where controlled drugs are stored but I still got the job, as it was a long time ago and I am otherwise known as trustworthy and with integrity (I am also trusted with a lot of high value financial info/transactions).

    Yes there were some family connections involved, (no more than our elected Prime Minister and his deputy have used!) but this employer is traditionally fairly tolerant provided the offences happened a long time ago.

    However they will ask upfront for full disclosure and people have been sacked for lying and then CRB coming back with cautions etc, ironically had they told the truth they would still have got the job!

    Poly also got remployed because the employers had made a complete cock up with the recruitment process and not asked for the right information upfront as well as evidence that there was absolutely no risk of collusion with students etc to get drugs into the place of education.