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Hosted by the safer sex and drugs forum a 16 year old project based on user engagement, education and harm reduction.

Moulsford - Reported July 15th

Creation Date: c. July 15th
Map Ref: 567 840 (Sheet 174)
Crop: Wheat
Reported by: M. Green, B. Taylor (from air)


Top to bottom
199' diameter Ring and circle. Ring ACW swirl.
Crescent max width was 18' and was 27.5ft from circle below it and 4'6" from the circle above. (CW) crop lay
102' diameter circle (CW)
66' diameter circle (ACW)
57' diameter circle (CW)
21' diameter circle (CW) with (ACW) central contra swirl.
15' diameter circle (ACW)
7'6" diameter circle (ACW)
4'6" diameter circle (ACW)
2'6" diameter circle (ACW)

Description and Information: See Below

The second "thought bubble" formation - another line of 10 components; dimensions almost the same as Ipsden, but with extra crescent below top ring. Ground patterns superb - very few visitors so kept in good condition.

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